
Thursday, May 13, 2021

What do You Know About The Gray’s Tree Gecko

 Hi everyone, we have been working on a big project lately.  In our learning groups we have been learning about a certain type of animal, insect or plant.  We chose a gecko.  Our group chose this because we all liked geckos and nobody really knows about them and they are barely ever seen.  So on the internet we searched up NZ geckos.  It came up with 13 different geckos.  One of the first ones said Nautilus and we decided, that was the one we would choose.  We found out that Nautilus Grayii is actually the scientific name and is more well known as the Gray’s Tree Gecko. 

Next we had to do a lot of research (and when I say a lot, I mean lots).  Some of the questions were: Where do they live or grow, What is its diet or why is it important to protect it. After a long time of bum numbing hard researching we had finally finished.  

Here are a few of our facts: 

  • Some of the males have distinct pale blue flanks 

  • The Gray’s Tree Gecko have an incubation period of 7.5 months 

  • It is important to protect the Gray’s Tree Gecko because they help balance ecosystems.  

The next instruction said we had to make a creative way to share our learning.  Our group all thought we should make an animation.  The reason for that is they are easy to make and it is quite creative as well.  What I found hard was I had to do a lot of researching because some things were harder to find than others.  The thing that was easy was making the speaker notes because all we really had to do was copy and paste from our learning onto our slides.

What animals do you know about? 

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