Hi everybody, for the past few weeks we have been working on our Science Fair Projects. It was really hard but we had a great learning experience. Some of the things I learnt is to make my project happen were; The type of variables we used (independent variables, dependant variables and controlled variables), the hypothesis, the results of our science project (the winner was the paper towel Handee Ultra) and using the scientific method. There were also a lot of things that were really hard as well. Some of these things were; that other members of our group were away, that our plan changed a lot so we didn’t really know what we were doing, that we were learning things at such an alarming rate that our brains were swarmed with information and that we had a deadline that put us under a lot of pressure. Even though we had a few trip up’s we eventually got our Science Fair board up and ready to present.
If we could do this again I would change the member of my group because he distracted me a lot and when we were testing we could of used a bigger variety of paper towel brands. In this project I had to use my hoe of Kaha (being strong) and Tu Maia (resilience) to help me not give up on what I was doing. For this project I found everything a bit confusing and not very easy.
Have you ever done a Science Fair Project?